We recently printed these colourful flags for UBER to show their support at the Pride in London events.
Balloons & Bunting for Good Taste Bakeries
Another happy customer! Good Taste Bakeries came to us for promotional bunting and balloons for their street market stall in Camberley. We're really pleased to see the stall looks fantastic, and the strawberry tarts look delicious!
B-Loony 'Deliver' on Branded Balloons for Deliveroo
Rory MacInnes, Deliveroo’s Launch Manager in Glasgow left us this fantastic tesimonial following our 'delivery' of bespoke branded balloons to their launch event in Glasgow.
B-Loony pulled out all the stops to get us our balloons in time for Deliveroo’s launch event in Glasgow on Saturday. Great balloons and great service from Sachin…Thanks!
Deliveroo is a start-up food delivery business and now operates in London, Brighton, Oxford, Cambridge, Reading, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Nottingham and Edinburgh.